i haben prepare anything yet.. so lazy ok.. new yr leh. but got to spend oversea.. dunno got anything fun anot? jus now asked mummy bought a Quick Snap camera to bring there $15.50...
just now went downstair look for mummy. buy some thing from guardian anyhow walk den came back home.. cook magee mee share with mummy den mummy went out work left me alone at home le.. dear told me he maybe work until 3pm plus dunno real anot.
last nite brought some new yr thing up to dear house. cuz dear mum got give ba gua(dunno how spell.) when i took the lift got scary ah neh neh.. when i reach dear house i asked his mum open the door. the baby gal quite big already so long didnt go his house le. know how to anyhow talk liao.. know how to bye bye oso.. ok la.. cute la.. but better dun anyhow call my dear papa again.. hurtful to me ok.. _l_ asshole..
den went home eat dinner before go home go buy 7-eleven coke... reach home eat le.. 3 called den we went down meet him den come home.. when we were waiting for the lift got ppl smoking beside us.. i dulan sia. den again the smoke fly to us.. den i wanted to fan away the smoke by using my hand but nv did i know when i wanted to fan myself its become i hit on my coke and it drop onto the floor.. sobxxx.. so ke lian.. den 3 at the laugh wa u not happy ar? in heart ya lor.. that inhuman nv see the sign at the lift meh? no smoking.. LOL
around 9.45pm me n dear went downstair again to 7-eleven cuz i want eat ice cream meow~
hmmm today friday le.. tomorrow going oversea with big bro to his house le.. so sad dear will be alone le.. somemore he tomorrow no work until 28 wth when i came back only 1 day to spend with dear le lor.. come back wear nice nice let dear dear see..
last nite dear dear suddenly wake up disturb me.. :) meow~